Prime Vehicles
- SBA 8(a)
- GSA Schedule 70
- FAA eFast
- Seaport-e
- SWaM
- GSA OASIS Small Business
SBA 8(a)
Inalab consulting, Inc. is certified as a participant in the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) 8(a) business development program. Additionally, Inalab is certified as a Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) in the Federal Government’s SDB program. These certifications make Inalab eligible to receive 8(a) contracts whether competitive or directed/sole source. To make a sole source award, e-mail DCOfferletters to request a sole source with DUNS # 606715733. The Offering Letter Procedures issued by SBA will help expedite your request. It takes less than a week for your CO to receive SBA approval for your sole source.
Inalab’s NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Codes include:
- 511210 Software Publishers
- 516110 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting
- 518112 Web Search Portals
- 518210 Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services
- 541511 Custom Computer Programming Services
- 541512 Computer Systems Design Services
- 541513 Computer Facilities Management Services
- 541519 Other Computer Related Services
- 541611 Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
- 541618 Other Management Consulting Services
- 541690 Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services
- 541710 Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences
- 611420 Computer Training
How does the 8(a) sole sourcing process work?
Specific steps and internal procedures will vary from agency to agency, but the basic flow of sole sourcing is described below:
- The procurement need is identified as a set-aside for 8(a) and is established to be under $4 million for total contract award.
- An 8(a) firm capable of performing the work is identified.
- The Program Manager and Contracting Officer coordinate on the DD Form 2579 (Small Business Coordination Record) and issue an offering letter to the Small Business Administration (SBA) district office that handles the selected 8(a) firm.
- The SBA office reviews the offering letter and accepts (or declines, if the firm is deemed unable to perform the requirements) within five business days. (FAR 19.804-2)
- Upon acceptance by the SBA office, the Contracting Officer can issue the solicitation to the 8(a) firm. (FAR 19.804-3)
- The 8(a) firm then submits a proposal, any negotiation occurs, and the Contracting Officer makes the award.
About Sole Sourcing to Inalab Consulting, Inc.
Inalab Consulting, Inc. is a technology and management consulting firm with a strong history of past performance serving the federal government during our 9 year history as a company. We operate in primary NAICS codes 541511, 541512, 541513, 541611, 541614, 541618, 541690, 541712, 541990, 561110, 561210, 561312, 611420, 611430 and 541330 in the areas of IT Modernization, IT sustainment, information technology services, cyber security, training and organizational development, strategic planning, program/project management and administrative support services. Please call us or visit our web site at for more information.
- Inalab Consulting, Inc. Washington DC Office Representative Contact
Ifey Iwankwo, Business Development Specialist
US Small Business Administration
409 3rd Street SW, 2nd Floor, Washington DC, 20010
t: 202-205-6650 (w)
- Inalab Consulting, Inc. Contact
Vik Balani
3949 Pender Drive, Suite 150, Fairfax, VA 22030
t: 703-459-1079 (w)
m: 703-864-2561 (m)
Inalab Consulting, Inc. This document is not intended to be a complete, official instructional guide, but rather general guidance and direction. Consult FAR and check with your agency’s Contracting Department or call the SBA for additional information.
Quick Guide to 8(a) Sole Source Acquisition
You’ve no doubt heard of 8(a) contracts and know that your agency has a goal to award a certain percentage of contracts to 8(a) small businesses. But do you know how it works and how easy it is to use? Inalab Consulting, Inc. would like to offer some straight-forward information about the 8(a) contracting vehicle and how to make your acquisitions easier and more streamlined by sole sourcing to 8(a) companies.
What exactly is 8(a), anyway?
8(a) is a program for small, minority-owned businesses through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The program is designed to help small businesses grow by providing support from the SBA. Companies are accepted into the SBA 8(a) Business Development (BD) program only after a rigorous certification process, whereby the SBA thoroughly vets the company to determine its ability to perform on government contracts through the 8(a) program. Every federal government agency has established percentages of their procurement dollars which must be awarded to 8(a) small businesses. Once companies are accepted into the 8(a) program, they remain in the program for only 9 years, when they then “graduate” from the program and will ideally have grown significantly by that time.
Because the SBA administers the 8(a) program and keeps a close watch on the health and growth of the companies in the BD program, they are also involved in the procurement process. Before an agency can award an 8(a) contract, the SBA reviews the opportunity first to make sure the selected company is capable of performing the work. This means that agencies can be confident about awarding 8(a) contracts because the firm has the backing and oversight of the SBA.
Agencies can award 8(a) contracts either through a competitive process open to 8(a) companies only, or by sole sourcing an award non-competitively if the total contract value is under $4 million (for services) or under $6.5 million (for supplies or manufacturing).
What are the benefits of sole sourcing an 8(a) contract?
– The 8(a) contracting method allows Government Program Managers and Contracting Officers to save substantial time, work, and cost during the procurement cycle simply because 8(a) contracts can be acquired non-competitively when the value of the contract does not exceed $4 million (applicable to services.)
– For sole source 8(a) set-asides, synopsis in FedBizOpps is not required (FAR 5.202(a)(4) and a Justification and Approval (J&A) is not required (FAR 6.302-5(c)(2)(i)).
– Every federal agency has percentage goals for 8(a) contracts to meet each year. Sole sourcing an 8(a) contract will help meet your agency’s goals.
– Once you do your first 8(a) sole sourced contract, you’ll see just how easy and convenient it is and will be able to repeat the process for new opportunities, saving time and energy and significantly shortening the procurement cycle.
GSA Schedule 70
GSA IT Schedule 70 (GS-35F-253BA)
The GSA IT 70 Schedule is a Multiple Award Schedule that grants agencies direct access to commercial experts who can thoroughly address the needs of the government IT Community through Special Item Numbers (SINS). These SINs cover the most general purpose commercial IT hardware, software and services. The IT Schedule 70 SIN 152-51 allows for choice, flexibility, ease of use and access to the highest quality of IT products, services and solutions from small businesses and industry giants. We have also established blanket purchase agreements (BPAs) with several government agencies to cover most of the above services. For more information about specific contracts available for use, contact us.
Benefits and Features
– Multiple award, indefinite delivery indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle
– Five-year base with one five-year option
– $10 billion program ceiling
– Directed Order Authority: Directed task orders up to $4 million each are allowed for federal civilian and Department of Defense activities re-competed, easy to use contracts
– Access to proven 8(a) small business technology providers
– Shortened procurement lead time
– A low user access fee (0.75 percent) built into contractor’s ceiling prices
FAA eFast
Federal Aviation Administration eFast MOU
Inalab is a Prime Contractor on the eFAST IDIQ.
The Federal Aviation Administration entered into multiple Master Ordering Agreements (MOAs) with Small Businesses, 8(a), Women-Owned, Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Businesses (SEDB) to provide comprehensive management, engineering and technical support services.
eFAST is a multi-year MOA program offering a wide array of labor categories with fixed ceiling rates. eFAST is the FAA’s preferred acquisition vehicle for fulfilling Agency Small Business goals. The combined total ceiling amount for all MOAs under eFAST is $2 billion for a 5 year base period.
Please contact us for more information about doing business with Inalab through the FAA eFAST vehicle.
Seaport-e is an Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract providing a wide range of Engineering, Technical, and Programmatic services and solutions. Our Seaport-e prime contract enables the Inalab Team to provide support in 17 functional areas across 3 geographic zones.
Inalab can provide services, in response to task orders issued under this contract by the Naval Sea Systems Command, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Naval Air Systems Command, Naval Supply Systems Command, Naval Facilities Command, Strategic Systems Programs, Military Sealift Command, and the United States Marine Corps, that potentially span the entire spectrum of mission areas supported by the activities and technical capabilities that comprise the various ordering offices.
- Contract Number: N00178-15-D-8250
- Contract Period of Performance: Contract award to 04-APR-2019
- Contract Type: Multiple Award IDIQ – All contract types (CPFF, CPIF, CPAF, FFP, FPIF)
For customer satisfaction information and to discuss services related to the Seaport-e Program contact:
Roland Waddell at or
Phone: (703) 731-9396
SeaPort-e is categorized into 22 functional service areas. Inalab is qualified for 17 of those areas.
- Research and Development Support
- Engineering, System Engineering, and Process Engineering Support
- Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
- System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
- Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
- Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
- Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
- System Safety Engineering Support
- Configuration Management (CM) Support
- Quality Assurance (QA) Support
- Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and Information Technology (IT) Support
- Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
- Logistics Support
- Training Support
- Program Support
- Functional and Administrative Support
- Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Inalab is qualified to provide services for Zones:
- Zone 2 (National Capital area): West Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland and Delaware
- Zone 3 (Mid Atlantic area): Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina
- Zone 4 (Gulf Coast area): Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Lousiana, Mississippi, and Texas
The primary purpose of a Quality Assurance (QA) program is to deliver quality, timeliness, responsiveness, and customer satisfaction. Inalab has a track record of providing process and product quality assurance across all of its projects. We utilize industry best practices such as CMMI Institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level III, Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) to develop a detailed approach and set of tools to address quality control.
Quality control requires timely, flexible, repeatable processes. Among these are measures to ensure direct, continuous improvement to technical performance. We integrate elements of the customer’s requirements into our project specific Quality Control Plan (QCP) and ensure that the QCP is streamlined, sensible, and aligned with organizational goals. In addition, our QCP includes standard operating procedures, check lists, inspection procedures, and measurements for success.
We fully recognize the importance of a QA program in today’s contracting environment. With tight budgets and ever-greater expectations by our clients, the return on investment in contract support for the government must be certain, real, and evident. Our effective use of industry best practices, stringent internal quality controls, and our project specific QCPs enable us to proactively manage quality, adjust when necessary, and refine our processes to deliver customer satisfaction.
SWaM (Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business) certification (#712626) was recently approved. The SWaM procurement program is a state initiative that was established to enhance business opportunities for Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned businesses in the Commonwealth of Virginia. A SWaM business is a business that has been certified by the Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise (DMBE) and is listed in the SWaM business Directory
Please contact us for more information about doing business with Inalab through the WMATA vehicle.
The GSA 8(a) STARS II contract is awarded to IC-Harmonia, LLC an SBA-approved 8(a) Joint Venture comprised of Inalab Consulting, Inc. and Harmonia Holding Group. IC-Harmonia is managed by Inalab and builds on the success and stable infrastructure provided by the founding companies. IC-Harmonia will leverage the success of both companies to market, win and manage work on 8(a) STARS II.
- Contract Number: GS00Q17GWD2447
- DUNS: 606715733
- Program Manager: Kate Alexandrova |
- Office: 703.459.1079 ext.703
- Group Email:
- For more information about GSA 8(a) STARS II visit:
8(a) STARS III is a small business set-aside GWAC that provides flexible access to customized IT solutions from a large, diverse pool of 8(a) industry partners. This next-generation GWAC builds upon the framework of 8(a) STARS II and expands capabilities for emerging technologies and outside the continental United States (OCONUS) requirements.
- Contract Number: 47QTCB21D0185
- DUNS: 606715733
- CAGE Code: 4B5M3
- Program Manager: Vik Balani |
- Office: 703.459.1079 ext.701 | Mobile: 703.864.2561
- Group Email:
- For more information about GSA 8(a) STARS III visit:
GSA OASIS Small Business
OASIS Small Business (SB) is a 100 percent Small Business Set-Aside contract (FAR 19.502) with the ability to do Socio-Economic Set-Asides (FAR 19.8 thru FAR 19.15) at the task order level. This governmentwide multiple award, Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract provides flexible and innovative solutions for complex professional services.
OASIS 8(a) Pools were developed to provide the 8(a) community expanded access to the OASIS Best-in-Class contract program while creating more options for federal agencies to meet their 8(a) business development program goals through both competitive 8(a) set-asides and 8(a) directed task order awards.
The OASIS contracts:
- Provide a single solution for complex requirements
- Support multiple technical disciplines and mission spaces
- Support commercial and non-commercial acquisition
- Support all contract types, including hybrids and cost-reimbursement, at the task order level
- Allow ancillary support components, commonly referred to as Other Direct Costs (ODC), at the task order level
- Have no program ceiling, a five-year base and one five-year option, a benefit to long-term planning for complex program requirements
SB Contract Number: 47QRAD20D1066
8(a) Contract Number: 47QRAD20D8135
Sub Vehicles
ITES-2S – Team NCI
Please contact us for more information about doing business with Inalab through the ITES-2S – Team NCI vehicle.
Please contact us for more information about doing business with Inalab through the EAGLE vehicle.
CIO-SP3 – Team AAC
Please contact us for more information about doing business with Inalab through the CIO-SP3 – Team AAC vehicle.